Static and dynamic space: Verbal-gestural description of place and route in children
The category of Space is one of the most crucial ontological categories. Its importance and
complexity has long been nourishing the interest in how people understand, represent and
express different spatial situations and events. The present study investigated both static and
dynamic space (place and route) in the context of multimodal oral descriptions (speech and
co-speech gesture) and from a developmental perspective (three age groups). Our approach is
anchored in gesture-speech theoretical framework (e.g. McNeill 1992) and inspired by
gesture-space empirical studies (e.g. Cassell, Stone, & Yan 2000; Emmorey, Tversky, &
Taylor 2001).
The participants are 32 typically developing children aged 6-7, 8-9, 10-11 years. Data
collection took place in their school during individual sessions. Each child was asked to
describe his/her classroom (Experiment 1) and the route from the school entrance to the
courtyard (Experiment 2), a counterbalanced design being applied. Oral descriptions were
videotaped, then transcribed and annotated in ELAN.
Focusing on different variables, we formulated six main questions.
1) Gesture form: What types of gesture appear in place/route descriptions? E.g. drawing
iconic, modeling iconic, abstract deictic…
2) Verbal and gestural reference: Which elements of a given place/route are mentioned in
speech and which ones are depicted in simultaneously produced gesture? E.g. motion,
landmark, activity…
3) Verbal and gestural content: What characteristics of a given place/route element are
provided verbally and what characteristics are represented gesturally? E.g. trajectory,
location, shape…
4) Frame of reference: What perspective is adopted when speaking and gesturing about a
given place/route? Typically, egocentric versus allocentric.
5) Gesture-speech semantic relation: Do speech and gesture convey the same information
about a given place/route?
6) Effect of age: How does multimodal description of place/route develop in children?
The results will be presented and discussed in light of current knowledge of gesture-speech
relations and spatial language/cognition development.
Cassell, J., Stone, M., & Yan, H. (2000). Coordination and Context-Dependence in the Generation of Embodied
Conversation. Paper presented at the INLG 2000, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel.
Emmorey, K., Tversky, B., & Taylor, H. A. (2001). Using space to describe space: Perspective in speech, sign,
and gesture. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 00, 1- 24.
McNeill, D. (1992). Hand and Mind: What Gestures Reveal about Thought. Chicago, IL/London, UK: The
University of Chicago Press.